The OWTChart Engine produces GIF images of virtually any type of chart from a set of input parameters.
The program can be used as a CGI in a web server environment,
in which case it will return a GIF image with the chart built from the parameters found in the
QUERY_STRING part of the URL, or from the body of a POST request.
It can also be used as a command-line program. In this
case, the chart parameters will be read from a simple text file in which each line contains one parameter
in the form "Name=Value", and the output will go to a .GIF file.
OWTChart is Open Source, which means that it can be used
freely, for personnal or commercial application, as long as the authors'
Copyright and Distribution terms are respected. It is based on the
GDChart library, which in turn uses
Boutell.com's GD (GifDraw) library.
The OWTChart engine itself has been partly developed under contract with Health Canada as part of
the Disease Surveillance On-Line project.