AVCE00 Arc/Info Binary Vector Coverage <-> E00 Library
CartoWeb CartoWeb - http://cartoweb.maptools.org/
Chameleon Chameleon (CWC2) is a distributed, highly configurable, environment for developing Web Mapping applications.
DDS Data Domain Statistics Services
dgnlib DGN read/write library (dgnlib.maptools.org).
E00Compr E00Compr - Library to Read/Write Compressed E00 Files
FGS Free and Open Source GIS Software Suite - http://maptools.org/fgs/
FWTools Binary builds of a suite of GIS tools by Frank Warmerdam.
Guarani Guarani Application Framework from UNIVALI
ka‑Map interactive, javascript-based mapping client
MapLab MapLab is DM Solutions complete environment for creating web-based mapping applications.
MITAB MITAB Library - http://mitab.maptools.org/
MS4W MapServer For Windows (MS4W) package.
OWT OWT library and apps - mostly OWTChart for the moment
Rosa Rosa is a Java applet that allows you to improve your server-side web applications by adding some simple features on the client-side. It was originally designed with WebMapping applications in mind, but is generic enough to be used in any type of application.
Shapelib ESRI Shapefile read/write library (shapelib.maptools.org).